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Hey, #ImprintsFamily! The other day as I was preparing to start my day, a flood of thoughts, prayers, and affirmations ran through my mind. I recollected all of the things that God has brought me through and all of the things I had to believe for myself to press on. It was placed on my heart to share several affirmations and pieces of advice that I've learned from past experiences in life, education, and business that help keep me grounded and remind me to just keep going. My hope is that you too may have assurance and peace of mind to operate in the best version of yourself.
Here are 5 Reminders That Help Me To Be My Best Self in Life
1. Keep things simple. We as human beings have the tendency to overcomplicate things and shoot for the sky when coming up with solutions to everyday problems. Sometimes when thinking outside the box goes a little too far, we need a ground view, a humbling perspective, and a practical approach to solving ordinary problems. There is nothing wrong with thinking in an advanced way, but sometimes the most valuable solutions are the ones that start with applying a basic foundation. Learn the basics and then build upon that foundation. Simplicity is key. This leads me to my next piece of advice...
2. Use the free resources that are available until you are able to invest in advanced equipment, gear, software, education, programs, etc. that will help you elevate your career. In the creative community, specifically the photography industry, it is very common for new photographers to want to get a hold of as much shiny, sparkly, and professional gear as possible. They often find themselves researching the latest lenses, watching an exuberant quantity of YouTube video tutorials and product reviews, adding thousands of dollars of gear to their shopping carts, and getting their new gear list set to perfection. How exactly do I know this? “They” was me! Guilty! Yes I, too, was once a new professional photographer who thought I needed just about EVERYTHING.
In this present day, with plenty of professional photography experience, I’ve realized that I typically utilize very specific photography equipment for my portrait sessions, events, and weddings that help me successfully get the job done. My photography kit usually consists of the following items linked below*:
The reality is that I don’t need every single piece of gear at this stage of my photography career. Secondly, I do not currently have a surplus of capital that would allow me to readily invest in this new equipment. The business of photography is lucrative, but the equipment is NOT cheap! Thirdly, who wants to lug all of that equipment around? Refer back to point #1. And while I don’t have everything, I use what I have as an opportunity to continue learning the art of photography and how to get the most out of the equipment that I have.
3. The world needs you and your special gift.
As a Christian woman, I am often reminded that God created only one Maleshia in His image and His likeness. What does that mean for you? That means that there is only ONE YOU! There is only one you who can write the way you do. Sing the way you do. Draw the way you do. Design the way you do. Solve problems the way you do. Educate, speak, inspire, run a business, lead people, and create the way you do. You have a special SAUCE that no one else could ever manufacture, replicate, or execute to perfection the way you do. You are adequate, you are enough, you have everything no you need, you are complete and whole in Jesus Christ, and you were chosen by God. You are an integral part of God’s plan and you matter. The world needs you and Your special gift.
4. Don’t rush into things.
You’ve probably heard this saying more often than not these days in the age of social media: “Don’t let the internet rush you.” This saying is oh so true. Everything that we will ever experience in life happens for a reason in due time. When we rush into things without proper education, preparation, wisdom, and experience, we impose onto ourselves a very high probability of failing drastically or stifling our own personal growth. Slow and steady wins the race, but at the same time, when it’s time to make a move, go! Life is all about balance. Take your time, enjoy the journey through life, build relationships with others, and help people. Most importantly, live, laugh, love, and leave your mark.
5. Lastly, this is YOUR journey and YOUR story. Own it! We only have one finite life to live. Our upbringing and experiences shape us into the people that we will ultimately become. Everyone may not understand why you make certain decisions or do exactly what you do but I encourage you to operate in confidence that you’re doing what is best for you. It’s also important to give yourself grace. When I transitioned from a career in mechanical engineering into entrepreneurship and the business of digital photography, most people around me questioned why I gave up a good, well-paying job and take a huge leap of faith to start my business. The truth is I was so stressed about school and work, I was experiencing some depression, and I was just NOT at peace with where I was in life. Starting a business and creating a legacy for future generations was and always will be a goal of mine, and after much prayer and deliberation, I knew this was the direction God would have me go in because I had peace of mind. It’s one of the ways that I hear from God. I had to come to a space where my only option was to rely on and trust God in His plan for my future. The grace that He gave me through His Son, I also had to extend to myself. I came to accept that I am one unique person and I cannot do everything, but God’s grace is sufficient. My experiences in graduate school and working full-time have taught me more than ever the importance of being true to myself, embracing who I am, establishing boundaries, trusting God with everything, and operating in my passion. I hope you enjoyed reading my words of wisdom and I pray that you will strive to be the best YOU that you can be! God bless you and take care of yourself.
With Peace, Love, and Happiness! Maleshia J.
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